Hora in astrology
Hora : Hora chart is one of the most important chart but this is often not talked about in nearly all the astrology related groups . As everyone knows that hora is 1/2 division of asdt chart .Every rashi is divided in to two parts.Which means 0-15 degree and 15-30 degree.I won't go in how hora chart is casted,because every soft and Android applications has hora chart. Today let's go in to the rules to analyse any hora chart. Hora chart if is in 0-15 degrees falls under " Devas " and 15- 30 degree falls under " pitr".Now let's discuss the various rules mentioned in the scripts and in traditional systems about analysing hora. 1. If the lord of Hora is Devas, it indicates that the native has come from the land of deities or some pious soul has taken birth due to the grace of Devas. Such a native would be ambitious, virtuous, spiritual, rich, generous, intelligent, skilled worker and a born ...